October 2, 2011

Study Break Please!

I am always on the lookout for neat looking doll props and when I randomly stumbled across this table & chair set, I was completely suckered in to purchasing it. The extra cool part is that the set came with this gifted matching rug! Practical and versatile, it can be used as a dining table, study desk, and so much more. Looks like Amelie and Misaki like it a whole lot too!

FR Nippon Ye Ye Misaki (Blonde ver.) & Debut Change Amelie (Brunette ver.)
Misaki redressed in Barbie fashion (DOTW Scotland Barbie + mix) & Amelie redressed in Ye Ye Misaki (Brunette ver.) fashion
Props: BuildingIDEA (Etsy) Table + Chairs set & Rug, Party City "Back to School" party favors


  1. Love those chairs. You are right. They do look like they need a study break. Great props, too.

  2. These are so cute! I love my Blythe dolls, personally, but they're just so expensive that I've only got the one!

    x Michelle | thefeatherden.net

  3. Your girls getting their education on, so cute!

  4. Your blog is soo cool! Love this :)
